Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Snake House Theory

The designs for the Snake House have evolved a number of times during my explorations of this character. I began with a character who was extremely distrusting and anxious about the city that he lives in. He has fond childhood memories of the city but believes it has changed and degraded into a place almost unfit for human habitation.

He has managed to raise a small family in this city but is very protective (overprotective?) of his children and rarly allows them to leave.

In stark contrast to this he has a great love for his 'other children'. The 6 snakes he keeps within his home. He ffels a strong connection to them and treats them as if they were his own children. He connects with their sense of responsibility and instinct to protect their young and he sees alot of his own personality trates in them.

I began designing his home around his sense of distrust of the city. I began designing a home within a home, rather a space where his family could feel 'safe' and 'protected' from he outside world. I arranged the home around a central courtyard and attempted to screen off the street with garden walls and I stategically placed the windows at points that allowed views out but restricted the views in.

The interiors were designed with a view to give a vary 'family friendly' feel with large but comfortable areas to sit and interact.

I designed with the intention of incorporating snake elements and references that I believed would appeal to a man who was so fond of them. I intend to clad a large portion of the exterior of the main living areas with a copper sheeting attached in small roof tile size sheets. These would discolor and change over time and would remind the owner of the way his snakes change and discard their used skins. And the patterning of the copper 'tiles' would be reminiscant of the scaly skins left behind.

The split ramped entry was designed to represent the opening jaws of the anaconda (one of the owners personal favorites). The building 'opens' as if to receive visitors and then closed behind them after they enter. The long curved entry ramp not oly provides and extra element of 'protection' from the street below but it also would make the owner smile just a little when it reminds him of the cobras tongue flicking out of its mouth testing the air for threats, or possibly for its next meal.

Snake House 2 - More Sketchup models

Snake House 1 - Card/Balsa Model

Monday, August 18, 2008

Fwd: My passion

>> I love my beauties.

>> They are always so loyal and give me unconditional love.
>> No, they arn't your 'usual' pets but u love them even more because
>> of that.
>> I love them because most people look down their nose at them, and
>> think of them as vicious, menacing creatures only capable of
>> causing death. But I see them in a much different light. I see them
>> as very misunderstood and loving creatures with strong instincts to
>> protect their young.
>> They are hell bent on protectig their children from the dangerous
>> world around them and are often criticised for the way they go
>> about it.
>> I think this is why I relate to them so much.
>> I see alot of myself in them and I think I mirror much of their
>> personalities in my own.
>> I love them almost as much as I love my own children but I know
>> that if they felt it necessary, they would strike out at me just as
>> any other if I threatened their family.
>> I think I am more like them than I realize........
>> Sent from my iPhone

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Getting started.......

My city is dying.

I have never seen the city like this.

I have lived here my whole life but I have never experienced anything like this. My city has become a place filled with criminals and malcontents. She has to endure these people now like never before. She strains and cries under the weight of a population who no longer care for her, they merely use her occupy her streets for their own benefit.

I say I have lived here all my life but that is not entirely accurate. I moved to the city when I was just 6 years old. I can still remember the first day we arrived. I was amazed at her size and her detail. There seemed to be an endless array of streets, laneways and large open parks filled with light. I can remember being so excited and I couldn't wait to investigate and explore her.

And I did.

For many more days and hours than I can remember I played in and around this urban jigsaw with no fear or sense of hesitation. I felt free, even though her tall stone walls towered over me. Somehow I felt safe.

Not now.

Now I fear for my young children whenever I allow them to venture outside our doors. I find myself looking sideways at the people we pass while walking the streets. The same parks and alleyways that I once cherished have now become dark and menacing, even in the broad light of day. These days I prefer my children to stay inside. I even feel better when they are down in the basement with my snakes father than out in the streets. I cant even remember how or why I started keeping them. Now I really only keep them as a reminder of a more simpler time.

They are so honest and uncomplicated. Unlike this city.

I do still love her though. This city has been my home for 30 years now and I scarcely remember anything else. I have had the best times of my life here within her buildings and spaces. But now I keep her at a safe distance. When I am travelling alone around hr streets, or when I am with my family I am constantly on guard. Weary of those dark places that I used to call my playground.

Hopefully one day she will return to her former glory and I can once again let her back into my (and our) lives. Until then however she remains all around us but not between us. Not within us.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I am............. (a poem)

I am the snake keeper.

I am alone in my world.

I am the one that many want but none need.

I am a man who enjoys his own company but still longs for human contact.

I am popular among my small but enthusiastic circle of friends

I am happy for people to enquire about my world.

I am a man who adores his small but loving family, and I hold onto them with all my might because I want to create a better life for them than I had.

I am most comfortable when i'm at home, hidden away from the world.

I am a man who is forced to live life at a fast pace but longs for a time when he can slow down and watch the world go by.

I am fiercely protective of my family and I would die for them without hesitation.

I am a man who enjoys being able to look out upon the world from a safe and secure place and I like to be separated from the outside world when i'm at home.
I am a man who loves his family and I feel a need to 'protect' them from the harsh world outside.
I am forgiven by my family for marrying someone for love and not to further my social standing.
I am someone who rarely leaves this city. I feel at home here and I appreciate all this things that city life can offer.
I am a man who struggles undestand technology, but can appreciate all it can offer.
I am a man with an unusual passion and I am keen to educate anyone that enquires why I am so passionate.
I am someone who longs for a simpler time.

I am content.......

or am I.............Mistaken?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Snake Keeper

An extravert trapped inside an intraverts body.

Labelled as 'strange', 'bizarre' and 'peculiar' by the public at large, he has a very close knit group of friends and associates who share his passions and enthusiasims.

A loner but also willing to share his world with anyone who will pretend to listen.

Snakes on a Plane, or line, or point......

ads4 - Horse Latitude

#74 Keeper of the Snakes - Tower of the brazen snakes.

Testing, Testing..............

Hello all.

Well seing as this is the first time ive actually attempted a blog, I thought I'd throw up a quick 'test' blog to see how this all works.

Ill be back with something more interesting soon.....Hopefully.